Check out our new Corporate Moodfilm!

At 19-09-2019 we launched our NEW Corporate Moodfilm.

In co-operation with Veldkamp Produkties we managed to create a new, innovotive and inspiring corporate film. We have tried to connect the film to our corporate key values: 'quality, innovation, and customre care'. We are proud to show the result.

Did you already watch it? Check it out here:

"Making engines sustainable. That is in our nature. We are the developers of high-quality systems. We design, manufacture, test and deliver. We train and maintain a global network to guarantee our quality. You want to drive future-proof? Save money? Save the planet? Maintain the power. Go faster. Go further. Make the switch. Your engine is ready! are you?"

We would love to hear what you think, so feel free to leave a comment on YouTube or contact us via For more updates, please follow us at social media (Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn). 

Prins Video

À notre sujet

Prins, Westport Fuel Systems Netherlands, a été créée en 1986 en se donnant pour objectif de développer et de fabriquer des systèmes de très grande qualité pour permettre le fonctionnement d'une voiture avec des carburants alternatifs tel que le GPL (gaz carburant) et le GNV (gaz naturel). La société néerlandaise est un acteur mondial de premier plan dans l'industrie automobile.

Prins est part de Westport Fuel Systems Inc.


CHATEL et Fils, représentant officiel de
Prins, Westport Fuel Systems Netherlands,
6 rue de Sansy

74600 SEYNOD



VSI-3 DI awarded

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